Modern Cloth Nappies and PUL Fabric: Finally a Combination that Works!


With our global environment at the point where drastic changes need to be made soon in order for us to be able to survive in a sustainable environment, the choices we make daily play a more pivotal role in the fight to attain balance.  Even simple decisions like how we choose to diaper our babies have a larger significance than previously realized.  If the choice is to use disposable diapers, have we given thought as to what happens to them after we have discarded them and they are carried away to the city landfills? Have we considered how making other diapering choices can affect this process over time?

Let’s consider a community with 5 babies, where all these mothers are using at least three disposable diapers every day for two years, and compare it to another community with the same number of babies, but where mothers use washable modern cloth diapers.  That does cause you to think, doesn’t it?  The added bonus is that modern diapers are designed better than before with fitted cloth diapers which are shaped for your baby.  So how do you make the choice to be more environmentally aware, while still being able to dress your baby fashionably and have as few ‘accidents’ as possible?

Have you ever thought of using modern cloth diapers that have a PUL fabric (Polyurethane Laminated fabric) as an outer lining?  This material may be non biodegradable, but its longevity outweighs that concern.  A single pack of 24 of these diapers can outlast two children before even beginning to show signs of wear and tear, and at that point the PUL material can simply be replaced. There are also PUL diaper covers which are affordable, available in a variety of colours and styles and are so leak proof that a thickness of only one or two mm is needed.

Modern cloth diapers (or nappies) are becoming the preferred choice of parents worldwide can help prevent the massive pile up of diapers present in landfills across the globe (See our article on modern cloth diapers for more information on the negative effects of disposable diapers). Why not take the time, do some research and see if this can become your choice as well?

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