Lower Body Lift


Lower Body lift is a surgical procedure that addresses the problems of the lower body portion. It tightens loose, sagging skin in the hips, buttocks, and thighs. It uses incisions that pass in the back on the hips side to the front of the thighs. This can be combined with an abdominal skin tightening procedure (tummy tuck). The incisions are designed to be hidden with clothes or lie in normally occurring anatomical folds. Layered suture techniques are used to carefully close the area of incision. Swelling is controlled with the use of compression garments, use of drains and sterile collection tubes that evacuates the excess fluid.

Patients who can benefit from this procedure are those who have loose skin in either their buttocks or back of their thighs. This is also good for patients who have loose skin on their hips and the thighs. This can also work out for those who have thin layers of fat below the skin or for those who have underwent a massive weight loss. The surgeon will use the best lower body lift technique that is based on the patient’s needs and goals. A thorough discussion is needed to arrive at the best surgical plan tailored to its patient specific needs.

Candidates for body lift surgery all have extra skin which is removed by excision (surgical removal). This is different from liposuction, since in liposuction removes all the fat through small quarter inch of incision but no skin. The body areas to benefit from this procedure are the buttocks, thighs and abdomen (the operation on these areas can be done on one session). It can also be combined with breast surgery or arm contouring procedures. It can also be combined with liposuction in selected areas. The patient is asked to make weekly follow up visits so that the surgeon can see the improvements or if there is a need for some adjustments. Full healing takes 4 weeks or longer.

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