Lose Weight Fast The Natural, No-Diet Way


The real, fastest way to lose weight is one that doesn’t require you to make huge chances in your everyday life. Diets that call for rapid moves and drastic steps are rarely successful, mostly because people get discouraged halfway through them. Just as you gained weight because you felt good, you can lose weight feeling good too. It’s all about making your health your number one priority. The time of indulgence and looking and feeling unattractive is over. Now it’s time to start getting healthy and looking your best and most confident.

You may want to lose weight as quickly as you can, but it’s better to do it as healthy as you can. That’s why you need to eat three solid meals a day, with two snacks in between. And by solid we mean enough to fill you up; enough so you get all the nutrients and calories you need, and no more binging, pigging or stuffing food down your throat.

Breakfast should be where you get the majority of your nutrients, so make it as wholesome as possible. No need to figure out how many carbohydrates per day; the emphasis should be on good and healthy food. Try oatmeal for fiber, fresh fruits for vitamins, and low-fat milk for calcium and other minerals. Stay energetic throughout the day by eating lean protein for lunch, such as lamb, poultry, seafood, and pork, and select healthy sauces like tomato or olive-oil based entrees. And for dinner, make a fresh vegetable salad your appetizer or fresh fruit salad your dessert.

Some good ideas for snacks are berries, such as strawberries dipped in semi-sweet chocolate, or all-natural fruit smoothies from fruit slices and yogurt. Munch on nuts and avocadoes too so you can get the healthy fats and fiber you need. And remember to drink plenty of water, because usually when you feel you are hungry, you may really just be thirsty.

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